Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Sd.Kfz 7/1 ala Normandy (or Falaise Gap)

Finally finished Model #3.  Actually, it's been started, stopped, re-started and finished for some time in a way but it was never going to be fully finished unless it was covered in foliage and pretending to be a bush in order to escape Allied 'Jabos'. 

So what is it?  The Sd.Kfz 7/1 was a a specialist anti-aircraft variant of the Wehrmacht's highly successful 8 ton Sd.Kfz. 7 prime mover.   Fitted with either the quadruple 2cm Flak 38 mounting or a single 3.7cm Flak 36, 442 examples were adapted in this way, making it a significant sub-variant of the original vehicle.

The kit itself is from Revell.  I've done mine up in the colours of the Sd. Kfz. 7/1 of Flak-Regiment 79 (motorisiert), 1 Flak-Brigade, Normandy, 1944 plus added some foliage as camouflage as per the photos I've seen on the internet below.

Paints and techniques used
  • The model was primed using Vallejo Surface Primer in black (70.602).
  • Paint wise, I used the Dunkelgelb aus '44 DG I and Resedagrun from AK Interactive's 1945 German Late War Colours (AK 554) set without any modification.  
  • Filter wise, I got a bit scared of the The Filter variety as it seemed messy and made up my own acrylic version.  Not sure it made a lot of difference and I'm probably cool with The Filter stuff now having completed Model #2.
  • Vallejo Satin Varnish (70.522) was used to seal the model ready for weathering although I did have some issues with bits melting off and having to be re-glued so not sure how well that worked or how well I painted on the varnish. 

Weathering techniques used.
  • MIG Productions Dark Wash was used for the washes. The excess was cleaned away with white spirits. That's what caused bits to follow up.  It's a bit 'hot'.  Have order the AK version plus AK turpentine to see if that causes less issues in future.
  • I painted on chips using using 71.042 Camouflage Black Brown frpm Vallejo's Rust & Chipping Effects set.  This was followed up by AK Rust Streaks around the bolts again and the chips plus a little streaking.  Somewhere I screwed up on something and I do notice some weird yellow orange effect on the front of the armoured cabin.  Mmmmm.
  • I used graphite pencil along the edges of the panels for more definition as well creating more scratches. Also on the raised parts of the tracks.
  • The whole model was thinly coated (from a distance) with AK Interactive's Dust Effects (AK015) with some heavy coating around the tracks and front wheels.  I liked the overall effect.  It toned down the colours and made the green stripes look less garish. 
  • The foliage was based on Heki #1672 foliage.  Looks great.  And covers up some of my mistakes. Ha ha ha.  it could probably do with some more foliage based on some pictures I have seen but I decided not to overdo it.

Here's the kit

Here's the source photos I used to inspire my foliage fetish

Here are some photos taken on the iPhone.

Overall, I am pretty happy with how it's turned out - especially as I don't have one of these in my collection of WW2 German AFVs.  I think it's a pretty spectacular looking model with the foliage.  Obviously, there's some bits wrong that could do with some improvement but that's another model.


  1. That foliage rendering looks fantastic, as does the rest of the model. Would love to read more about how you have achieved that. Well done!

  2. Heki 1672 foliage and PVA glue was the solution. Works well.

  3. Aha - thanks for responding. I have to try that!
