Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cromwell White Wash Part 2a - Back To The Drawing Board

Back to the drawing board.

I tried putting Vallejo's chipping medium on the Cromwell thinned about 4:3 medium to water. Result was little bubbles rather than a smooth coat. Didn't change much after it dried. 

Then added a few coats of XF-2 white. Still didn't look great. Tried chipping away at the turret but the effect was more of a bubble effect not a washed away white wash. 

Tried a bit of thinner treatment but that didn't work too well either. 

In the end I decided to try out using oven cleaner to strip the thing and start again. Works well for the top coat of Tamiya after a few hours but not so good on the Vallejo primer except for the metal bits. 

Have soaked the whole thing in oven cleaner overnight and put it outside. Let's see what it looks like tomorrow. Mmmm. 

Will need to hit the online forums and see how else I can do this. Maybe thinned chipping medium and lots of coats of it. I'll try it out on my test tanks first. 

So disappointing as I was completely loving the look of the Cromwell up till now. 

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