Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cromwell White Wash Part 4 - Try again

Step #1. Prime again. 
First stop was Vallejo 70.602 Surface Primer. Went on okay but you can tell the surface isn't completely smooth due to the remains of the old paint job.

Step 2. SCC15 again
I applied a mix for SCC15 - UK OD of 5 parts XF61 (Dk Green),to 2 parts XF62 (Olive Drab) and 2 parts XF3 (Flat Yellow). 

Then lightened with 2 parts XF-2 white for the upper part and a bit all over. Then the same again for the top surfaces only. Seems a bit lighter than last time with less gradations. Smaller air brush tip would have been better.

Step #3. Adding some more interest
I wasn't really happy with the initial paint job. It looked a bit plain. So I did it again. Same base colour mix made progressively lighter with XF-2 white. Paint job is based on highlighting the top bits and putting lighter colours in the centre of various panels. Also painted some of the features such as vents, handles, etc a bit lighter again. Much more interesting. 

Step #4. Washed to make the detail stand out
Next step before adding decals was to wash the tank with AK 's Dark Brown Enamel Wash for Green Vehicles (AK 045). Worked well after lots of playing around. Pity most of it will be covered in white wash. 

Step #5. Apply decals
Applied decals using Micro Set and Micro Sol for the first time. While I am not sure about Micro Set, Micro Sol definitely does the business and I was much happy with the result than from using Humbrol's Decalfix product. Decalfix is a little too hot chemically and seems to upset the paint. Next step is flat varnish in preparation for the great white wash. 

To be continued .....

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